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Lana Reed
Director of Sales and Design
Organization and order have always been a part of my personality and demeanor (just ask my family) and now I get to do that for my work! As a young girl I was constantly arranging my room, my ‘important things’ and building playhouses, treehouses and school rooms. Being the daughter of a brick mason and vocational teacher, it’s in my blood! As an adult and owning several homes myself, this continued to be my forte as an integral function of my daily life.
I’m excited to put all this into practice at California Closets! Helping others bring order to their homes and lives with a design that fits their needs and style brings great enthusiasm and eagerness to my day! Being the innovator and leader in the closet industry, California Closets enables clients to bring the highest of quality material and design into their daily lives giving them comfort and confidence of the value they are receiving.
One of the things I love about working with California Closets of Tennessee is the contribution to our community’s vitality. Stewardship is very important to me and knowing that the organization where I work and operate daily shares in that desire is fulfilling. We truly do enliven the human experience in all aspects!